§ 2.2-2008. Additional duties of the CIO relating to project management.
The CIO shall have the following duties relating to the management ofinformation technology projects:
1. Develop an approval process for proposed major information technologyprojects by state agencies to ensure that all such projects conform to thestatewide information management plan and the information management plans ofagencies and public institutions of higher education.
2. Establish a methodology for conceiving, planning, scheduling and providingappropriate oversight for information technology projects including a processfor approving the planning, development and procurement of informationtechnology projects. Such methodology shall include guidelines for theestablishment of appropriate oversight for information technology projects.
3. Establish minimum qualifications and training standards for projectmanagers.
4. Provide the Secretary with a recommendation and rank of all procurementsolicitations involving major information technology projects.
5. Direct the development of any statewide or multiagency enterprise project.
6. Develop and update a project management methodology to be used by agenciesin the development of information technology.
7. Establish an information clearinghouse that identifies best practices andnew developments and contains detailed information regarding theCommonwealth's previous experiences with the development of major informationtechnology projects.
8. Determine, prior to proceeding with the development of a major informationtechnology project pursuant to § 2.2-2019 or the procurement of any majorinformation technology project pursuant to § 2.2-2020, that the funding forsuch project has been included in the budget bill in accordance with §2.2-1509.3. The provisions of this subdivision shall not apply upon adetermination by the Governor that an emergency exists and a majorinformation technology project is necessary to address the emergency.
(2003, cc. 981, 1021; 2009, c. 757; 2010, cc. 136, 145.)