§ 2.2-2011. Additional powers and duties relating to communications servicesand telecommunications facilities.
A. VITA shall have the following additional powers and duties concerning theplanning, budgeting, acquiring, using, and disposing of communications goodsand services:
1. Formulate specifications for telecommunications, automated dataprocessing, and management information systems;
2. Analyze and approve all procurements of interconnective telecommunicationsfacilities, telephones, automated data processing, and other communicationsequipment and goods;
3. Review and approve all agreements and contracts for communicationsservices prior to execution between a state agency and another public orprivate agency;
4. Develop and administer a system to monitor and evaluate executed contractsand billing and collection systems; and
5. Exempt from review requirements, but not from the Commonwealth'scompetitive procurement process, any state agency that establishes, to thesatisfaction of VITA, (i) its ability and willingness to administerefficiently and effectively the procurement of communications services or(ii) that it has been subjected to another review process coordinated throughor approved by VITA.
B. VITA shall have the following powers and duties concerning thedevelopment, operation and management of communications services:
1. Manage and coordinate the various telecommunications facilities andcommunications services, centers, and operations used by the Commonwealth;
2. Acquire, lease, or construct such facilities and equipment as necessary todeliver comprehensive communications services, and to maintain suchfacilities and equipment owned or leased;
3. Provide technical assistance to state agencies in such areas as: (i)designing management information systems; (ii) performing systems developmentservices, including design, application programming, and maintenance; (iii)conducting research and sponsoring demonstration projects pertaining to allfacets of telecommunications and communications services; (iv) effectingeconomies in telephone systems and equipment; and (v) planning andforecasting for future needs in communications services; and
4. Develop and implement information, billing, and collections systems thatwill aid state agencies in forecasting their needs and managing theiroperations.
(1984, c. 746, §§ 2.1-563.16, 2.1-563.17, 2.1-563.18; 1985, c. 265; 1995, c.357; 1997, c. 858; 1999, cc. 412, 421, 433; 2001, c. 844, § 2.2-1303; 2002,c. 579; 2003, cc. 981, 1021.)