§ 2.2-2013. Internal service funds; Automated Services Internal Service Fund;Computer Services Internal Service Fund; Telecommunication Services InternalService Fund.
A. There are established the following internal service funds to beadministered by VITA:
1. The Automated Services Internal Service Fund to be used to financeautomated systems design, development and testing services and staff of VITA;
2. The Computer Services Internal Service Fund to be used to finance computeroperations and staff of VITA; and
3. The Telecommunication Services Internal Service Fund to be used to financetelecommunications operations and staff of VITA.
B. There is established the Acquisition Services Special Fund to beadministered by VITA and used to finance procurement and contractingactivities and programs unallowable for federal fund reimbursement.
C. All users of services provided for in this chapter administered by VITAshall be assessed a surcharge, which shall be deposited in the appropriatefund. This charge shall be an amount sufficient to allow VITA to finance theoperations and staff of the services offered.
D. Additional moneys necessary to establish these funds or provide for theadministration of the activities of VITA may be advanced from the generalaccount of the state treasury.
E. The CIO shall direct that the following activities be conducted withrespect to VITA's internal service funds:
1. VITA shall establish fee schedules for the collection of fees from userswhen general fund appropriations are not available for the services rendered.
2. VITA shall develop and implement information, billing, and collectionsmethods that will assist state agencies in analyzing and effectively managingtheir use of VITA's services, and which will allow VITA to forecast servicedemands and balances of its internal service funds.
3. By September 1 of each year, VITA shall submit biennial projections offuture revenues and expenditures for each internal service fund and estimatesof any anticipated changes to fee schedules to the Joint Legislative Auditand Review Commission and the Department of Planning and Budget.
4. In the event that changes to fee schedules or rates are required, the CIOshall submit documentation to the Joint Legislative Audit and ReviewCommission and the Department of Planning and Budget no later than September1 prior to the fiscal year in which the new or revised rates are to takeeffect so that the impact of the rate changes can be considered for inclusionin the executive budget submitted to the General Assembly pursuant to §2.2-1508. In emergency circumstances, deviations from this approach shall beapproved in advance by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission.
(1984, c. 746, §§ 2.1-563.19, 2.1-563.20, 2.1-563.21, 2.1-563.22; 2001, c.844, § 2.2-1304; 2003, cc. 981, 1021; 2010, cc. 136, 145.)