§ 2.2-2021. Project oversight.
A. Whenever an agency has received approval from the Secretary to proceedwith the development and acquisition of a major information technologyproject, an internal agency oversight committee shall be established by theCIO. The internal agency oversight committee shall provide ongoing oversightfor the project and have the authority to approve or reject any changes inthe project's scope, schedule, or budget. The CIO shall ensure that theproject has in place adequate project management and oversight structures foraddressing major issues that could affect the project's scope, schedule orbudget and shall address issues that cannot be resolved by the internalagency oversight committee.
B. Whenever a statewide or multiagency project has received approval from theSecretary, the primary project oversight shall be conducted by a committeecomposed of representatives from agencies impacted by the project, whichshall be established by the CIO.
(2003, cc. 981, 1021; 2010, cc. 136, 145.)