§ 2.2-2027. Powers and duties of the Division; Division coordinator.
A. The powers and duties of the Division shall include:
1. Requesting the services, expertise, supplies and facilities of VITA fromthe CIO on issues concerning the Division;
2. Accepting grants from the United States government and agencies andinstrumentalities thereof and any other source. To those ends, the Divisionshall have the power to comply with such conditions and execute suchagreements as may be necessary or desirable;
3. Fixing, altering, charging, and collecting rates, rentals, and othercharges for the use or sale of products of, or services rendered by, theDivision, at rates which reflect the fair market value;
4. Soliciting, receiving, and considering proposals for funding projects orinitiatives from any state or federal agency, local or regional government,public institution of higher education, nonprofit organization, or privateperson or corporation;
5. Soliciting and accepting funds, goods and in-kind services that are partof any accepted project proposal;
6. Establishing ad hoc committees or project teams to investigate relatedtechnology or technical issues and providing results and recommendations forDivision action; and
7. Establishing such bureaus, sections or units as the Division deemsappropriate to carry out its powers and duties.
B. The Coordinator shall:
1. Oversee the development of and recommend to VITA the promulgation of thosepolicies and guidelines required to support state and local governmentexchange, acquisition, storage, use, sharing and distribution of geographicor base map data and related technologies;
2. Foster the development of a coordinated comprehensive system for providingready access to electronic state government geographic data products forindividuals, businesses, and other entities;
3. Initiate and manage projects or conduct procurement activities relating tothe development or acquisition of geographic data or statewide base map dataor both;
4. Plan for and coordinate the development or procurement of prioritygeographic base map data;
5. Develop, maintain, and provide, in the most cost-effective manner, accessto the catalog of Virginia geographic data and governmental geographic datausers;
6. Provide, upon request, advice and guidance on all agreements and contractsfrom all branches of state government for geographic data acquisition anddesign and the installation and maintenance of geographic information systems;
7. Compile a data catalog consisting of descriptions of GIS coveragesmaintained by individual state and local government agencies;
Nothing in this article shall be construed to require that GIS data bephysically delivered to the Division. All state agencies that maintain GISdatabases shall report to the Division the details of the data that theydevelop, acquire, and maintain. Each agency shall submit quarterly reports tothe Division specifying all updates to existing data as well as all datadevelopment and acquisition currently in progress. Data exempt from theVirginia Freedom of Information Act (§ 2.2-3700 et seq.) need not be reportedto the Division.
8. Identify and collect information and technical requirements to assist theDivision in setting priorities for the development of state digitalgeographic data and base maps that meet the needs of state agencies,institutions of higher education, and local governments;
9. Provide services, geographic data products, and access to the repositoryat rates established by the Division; and
10. Ensure the compliance of those policies, standards, and guidelinesdeveloped by VITA required to support and govern the security of state andlocal government exchange, acquisition, storage, use, sharing, anddistribution of geographic or base map data and related technologies.
(1997, c. 817, § 2.1-563.38; 1999, cc. 412, 421, 433; 2001, c. 844, §2.2-1707; 2003, cc. 981, 1021.)