§ 2.2-2001. Administrative responsibilities of the Department.
A. The Department shall be responsible for the establishment, operation,administration, and maintenance of offices and programs related to servicesfor Virginia-domiciled veterans of the armed forces of the United States andtheir eligible spouses, orphans, and dependents. Such services shall include,but not be limited to, benefits claims processing and all medical carecenters and cemeteries for veterans owned and operated by the Commonwealth.
Subject to the availability of sufficient nongeneral fund revenues,including, but not limited to, private donations and federal funds, theDepartment shall work in concert with applicable State and Federal agenciesto develop and deploy an automated system for the electronic preparation ofveterans' disability claims that ensures the collection of the necessaryinformation to expedite processing of Virginia veterans' disability claims.The Department's development and deployment work shall be appropriatelyphased to minimize risk and shall include an initial replacement of theDepartment's existing case management technology, which replacement isrequired to support highly sophisticated electronic claims preparation. TheCommissioner shall ensure that the system is efficient and statutorilycompliant.
B. From such funds as may be appropriated or otherwise received for suchpurpose, the Department shall provide burial vaults at cost to eligibleveterans and their family members interred at state-operated veteranscemeteries.
C. The Department shall establish guidelines for the determination ofeligibility for Virginia-domiciled veterans and their spouses, orphans, anddependents for participation in programs and benefits administered by theDepartment. Such guidelines shall meet the intent of the federal statutes andregulations pertaining to the administration of federal programs supportingU.S. Armed Forces veterans and their spouses, orphans, and dependents.
D. The Department shall adopt reasonable regulations to implement a programto certify, upon request of the small business owner, that he holds a"service disabled veteran" status.
E. As used in this chapter:
"Service disabled veteran" means a veteran who (i) served on active duty inthe United States military ground, naval, or air service, (ii) was dischargedor released under conditions other than dishonorable, and (iii) has aservice-connected disability rating fixed by the United States Department ofVeterans Affairs.
"Service disabled veteran business" means a business concern that is atleast 51% owned by one or more service disabled veterans or, in the case of acorporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity, atleast 51% of the equity ownership interest in the corporation, partnership,or limited liability company or other entity is owned by one or moreindividuals who are service disabled veterans and both the management anddaily business operations are controlled by one or more individuals who areservice disabled veterans.
"Veteran" means an individual who has served in the active military, navalor air service, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditionsother than dishonorable.
(2003, cc. 657, 670; 2007, c. 787; 2008, cc. 467, 521, 767, 768; 2009, c. 62;2010, cc. 84, 554.)