§ 2.2-2102. "Citizen member" appointments to executive branch boards andcommissions.
Positions on boards and commissions designated for "citizen members,""consumer members," and "representatives of the public" are intended toensure that the composition of a particular board or commission reflectscitizen as well as professional interests. Except as otherwise provided bylaw, the Governor shall, when making an appointment to an executive branchboard or commission specifically designated for a "citizen member,""consumer member," or "representative of the public," appoint a personwho (i) is not by training or experience a practitioner in the subject areaof concern to the board or commission, (ii) is not the spouse, parent, childor sibling of such a practitioner, and (iii) has no direct or indirectfinancial interest, except as a consumer, in the subject area of concern tothe board or commission.
(1984, c. 579, § 9-6.24; 2001, c. 844.)