§ 2.2-2103. Cooperation of other agencies with authorities, boards,commissions, councils, and other collegial bodies.
Upon request, all agencies and political subdivisions of the Commonwealthshall assist any authority, board, commission, council or other collegialbody established in this title in carrying out the respective duties forwhich each was created.
(1968, c. 567, § 9-84.05; 1973, c. 431, § 9-84.9; 1978, c. 103, § 2.1-335.3;1991, cc. 44, 594, § 9-145.20; 1992, c. 609, § 9-145.34; 1993, c. 162, §9-145.49; 1995, cc. 638, 815, §§ 2.1-548.42, 9-344; 1996, cc. 97, 589, 599,§§ 2.1-548.52, 9-153; 1999, c. 976, § 9-304.5; 2001, c. 844.)