§ 2.2-2105. Investigation of management of institutions or conduct ofofficers or employees.
Whenever any board of visitors to any of the institutions of the Commonwealthdeem it necessary or expedient to investigate the management of theirinstitution or the conduct of any of its officers or employees, such board,or a committee of its members selected by the board, shall have such powerand authority to send for persons and papers or to order the attendance ofwitnesses and compel their attendance as is now conferred upon a committeeappointed by the General Assembly or either branch thereof by § 30-10. Theoath to be taken by any witness examined by such board or committee may beadministered by the president or the presiding officer of the board, chairmanof its committee, or the clerk or secretary of the board or committee. Allexpenses incurred in summoning or in the attendance of such witness shall bepaid out of the funds of the institution whose boards made or ordered theinvestigation.
(Code 1919, § 1096, § 9-13; 2001, c. 844.)