§ 2.2-2106. Expenses of certain boards; appearances before General Assembly.
A. The board of directors of the several state hospitals and the boards ofdirectors of the various institutions of learning receiving aid from theCommonwealth shall receive their actual, itemized expenses incurred in thedischarge of their duties in attending the meetings of the boards orcommittees.
B. No officer of any university, college, school, hospital, or otherinstitution or board maintained in part or in whole by the Commonwealth shallspend or appropriate any money for the purpose of sending any member of theboard or officials of such institution or other person to appear before theGeneral Assembly, or any committee thereof, for the purpose of advocating inany way any appropriation for any institution supported in whole or in partby the Commonwealth. However, when any committee of the General Assemblydesires information in regard to the needs of any state institution it may byproper resolution so determine, and request that any institution or boardthereof send one or more competent persons to give the information desired,and the expense thereof may be paid out of the funds appropriated by theCommonwealth for the support of that institution.
(Code 1919, §§ 1097, 1098, §§ 9-14, 9-15; 1998, c. 790; 2001, c. 844.)