§ 2.2-2236. Powers and duties of the Chief Executive Officer.
The Chief Executive Officer shall employ or retain such agents or employeessubordinate to the Chief Executive Officer as may be necessary to fulfill theduties of the Authority conferred upon the Chief Executive Officer, subjectto the Board's approval. Employees of the Authority shall be eligible formembership in the Virginia Retirement System and participation in all of thehealth and related insurance and other benefits, including premium conversionand flexible benefits, available to state employees as provided by law. TheChief Executive Officer shall also exercise such of the powers and dutiesrelating to the direction of the Commonwealth's economic development effortsconferred upon the Authority as may be delegated to him by the Board,including powers and duties involving the exercise of discretion. The ChiefExecutive Officer shall also exercise and perform such other powers andduties as may be lawfully delegated to him or as may be conferred or imposedupon him by law.
(1995, c. 638, § 2.1-548.32; 1996, cc. 590, 598; 1998, c. 359; 2001, c. 844;2010, c. 869.)