§ 2.2-2238. Economic development services.
A. It shall be the duty of the Authority to encourage, stimulate, and supportthe development and expansion of the economy of the Commonwealth. TheAuthority is charged with the following duties and responsibilities to:
1. See that there are prepared and carried out effective economic developmentmarketing and promotional programs;
2. Make available, in conjunction and cooperation with localities, chambersof commerce, industrial authorities, and other public and private groups, toprospective new businesses basic information and pertinent factors ofinterest and concern to such businesses;
3. Formulate, promulgate, and advance programs throughout the Commonwealthfor encouraging the location of new businesses in the Commonwealth and theretention and growth of existing businesses;
4. Encourage and solicit private sector involvement, support, and funding foreconomic development in the Commonwealth;
5. Encourage the coordination of the economic development efforts of publicinstitutions, regions, communities, and private industry and collect andmaintain data on the development and utilization of economic developmentcapabilities;
6. Establish such offices within and without the Commonwealth that arenecessary to the expansion and development of industries and trade;
7. Encourage the export of products and services from the Commonwealth tointernational markets;
8. Advise, upon request, the State Board for Community Colleges indesignating technical training programs in Virginia's comprehensive communitycolleges for the Community College Incentive Scholarship Program pursuant to§ 23-220.4; and
9. Offer a program for the issuance of export documentation for companieslocated in Virginia exporting goods and services if no federal agency orother regulatory body or issuing entity will provide export documentation ina form deemed necessary for international commerce.
B. The Authority shall prepare a specific plan annually that shall serve asthe basis for marketing high unemployment areas of Virginia. This plan shallbe submitted to the Governor and General Assembly annually on or beforeNovember 1 of each year. The report shall contain the plan and activitiesconducted by the Authority to market these high unemployment areas. Theannual report shall be part of the report required by § 2.2-2242.
(1995, c. 638, § 2.1-548.29; 1996, cc. 590, 598; 1997, cc. 437, 448; 1999, c.542; 2001, cc. 483, 557, 844; 2004, cc. 650, 872; 2009, cc. 374, 569.)