§ 2.2-2242. Forms of accounts and records; audit; annual report.
The accounts and records of the Authority showing the receipt anddisbursement of funds from whatever source derived shall be in a formprescribed by the Auditor of Public Accounts. The Auditor of Public Accountsor his legally authorized representatives, shall annually examine theaccounts and books of the Authority.
The Authority shall submit an annual report to the Governor and GeneralAssembly on or before November 1 of each year. Such report shall contain theaudited annual financial statements of the Authority for the year ending theprevious June 30.
The Authority shall submit a detailed annual operational plan and budget tothe Secretary of Commerce and Trade and the Director of the Department ofPlanning and Budget by November 1. Notwithstanding other provisions of thisarticle, the form and content of the operating plan and budget shall bedetermined by the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget and shallinclude information on salaries, expenditures, indebtedness and otherinformation as determined by the Director of the Department of Planning andBudget.
(1995, c. 638, § 2.1-548.40; 2001, c. 844; 2004, c. 650.)