§ 2.2-2286. Power to condemn.
The Authority may condemn property in furtherance of its purposes; provided,that any such condemnation shall be approved by the governing body of themunicipality having jurisdiction over the property so condemned. Any propertycondemned by the Authority shall not be sold or leased by the Authorityunless the Authority, preceding the consummation of any such sale or lease,finds and determines that such sale or lease is in furtherance of, orincidental to, the main purposes of the Authority under this article or thatsuch property is no longer needed in furtherance of, or incidental to, suchpurposes. Any exercise of the power to condemn as authorized by this sectionshall be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 2 (§ 25.1-200 et seq.)of Title 25.1.
(1984, c. 749, § 9-206; 2001, c. 844; 2003, c. 940.)