§ 2.2-2328. Short title; declaration of public purpose; Authority created.
A. This article shall be known and may be cited as the Virginia NationalDefense Industrial Authority Act.
B. The General Assembly finds and declares that:
1. There exists a need to foster and promote business, technology,transportation, education, economic development and other efforts in supportof the mission, execution, and transformation of the United States governmentmilitary and national defense activities located in the Commonwealth;
2. The industrial and economic development of localities included in oradjacent to United States government military and other national defenseactivities and those of the Commonwealth are greatly dependent on successfulcooperation between the localities, the Commonwealth, and the United Statesmilitary and national defense activities; and
3. There exists a need for the provision of technical assistance andcoordination between the Commonwealth, its political subdivisions, and theUnited States government military and national defense activities locatedwithin the Commonwealth.
The General Assembly determines that the creation of an authority for thispurpose is in the public interest, serves a public purpose, and will promotethe health, safety, welfare, convenience, and prosperity of the people of theCommonwealth.
C. The Virginia National Defense Industrial Authority is created, with theduties and powers set forth in this article, as a public body corporate andas a political subdivision of the Commonwealth. The Authority is constitutedas a public instrumentality exercising public and essential governmentalfunctions, and the exercise by the Authority of the duties and powersconferred by this article shall be deemed and held to be the performance ofan essential governmental function of the Commonwealth. The exercise of thepowers granted by this article and its public purpose shall be in allrespects for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Commonwealth and theincrease of their commerce and prosperity and in support of national defense.
(2005, c. 858.)