§ 2.2-2404. Design-Build/Construction Management Review Board; membership;terms; compensation; staff; seal.
A. The Design-Build/Construction Management Review Board (the "ReviewBoard") is established as an advisory board, within the meaning of §2.2-2100, in the executive branch of state government.
B. The Board shall consist of nine members to be appointed by the Governor asfollows: the Director of the Division of Engineering and Buildings of theDepartment of General Services, or his designee; two Class A generalcontractors selected from a list recommended by the Associated GeneralContractors; one architect and one engineer selected from a list recommendedby the Consulting Engineers Council of Virginia, the Virginia Society of theAmerican Institute of Architects, and the Virginia Society of ProfessionalEngineers; and four representatives of public bodies other than theCommonwealth selected from a list recommended by the Virginia MunicipalLeague and the Virginia Association of Counties. Each such list, other thanthose recommended as representatives of public bodies, shall include thenames of at least four persons who are experienced and actively engaged incompetitive sealed bidding or competitive negotiation and in design-build orconstruction management procedures. The list for representatives of publicbodies shall include at least four persons who are experienced in competitivesealed bidding or competitive negotiation and in design-build or constructionmanagement procedures. The Director of the Division of Engineering andBuildings or his designee shall be a nonvoting member of the Review Board,except in the event of a tie vote of the Review Board.
C. After the original appointments, all appointments shall be for terms offour years, except that appointments to fill vacancies shall be for theunexpired terms. No person shall be eligible to serve for more than twosuccessive full terms, except the Director of the Division of Engineering andBuildings, who shall serve until a successor qualifies.
D. The Review Board shall elect its chairman and vice-chairman from among itsmembers. The Review Board shall meet monthly to conduct its business asrequired by § 2.2-2405. However, monthly meetings may be canceled by thechairman if there is no business before the Review Board. Five members shallconstitute a quorum.
E. Members of the Review Board shall receive no compensation for theirservices, but shall be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expensesincurred in the discharge of their duties as provided in § 2.2-2825.
F. Such staff support as is necessary for the conduct of the Review Board'sbusiness shall be furnished by the Division of Engineering and Buildings ofthe Department of General Services pursuant to § 2.2-1134.
G. The Review Board shall adopt a seal by which it shall authenticate itsproceedings.
(1996, c. 962, § 11-41.2:3; 1998, c. 357; 1999, c. 127; 2001, c. 844.)