§ 2.2-2424. Virginia-Israel Advisory Board; purpose; membership; terms;compensation and expenses; staff; chairman's executive summary.
A. The Virginia-Israel Advisory Board (the Board) is established as anadvisory board, within the meaning of § 2.2-2100, in the executive branch ofstate government. The purpose of the Board shall be to advise the Governor onways to improve economic and cultural links between the Commonwealth and theState of Israel, with a focus on the areas of commerce and trade, art andeducation, and general government.
B. The Board shall consist of 31 members that include 29 citizen members andtwo ex officio members as follows: six citizen members appointed by theSpeaker of the House of Delegates, who may be members of the House ofDelegates or other state or local elected officials; six citizen membersappointed by the Senate Committee on Rules, who may be members of the Senateor other state or local elected officials; 13 members appointed by theGovernor who represent business, industry, education, the arts, andgovernment; the president, or his designee, of each of the four JewishCommunity Federations serving the Richmond, Northern Virginia, Tidewater andPeninsula regions; and the Secretary of Commerce and Trade and the Secretaryof Education, or their designees, who shall serve as ex officio votingmembers of the Board.
C. Nonlegislative citizen members appointed by the Governor shall serve forterms of four years and nonlegislative citizen members appointed by theSenate Committee on Rules and the Speaker of the House of Delegates shallserve for terms of two years. Legislative members and the Secretaries ofCommerce and Trade, and Education, or their designees, shall serve termscoincident with their terms of office. Vacancies occurring other than byexpiration of a term shall be filled for the unexpired term. Vacancies shallbe filled in the same manner as the original appointments. Any member may bereappointed for successive terms.
D. The members of the Board shall elect a chairman and vice-chairman annuallyfrom among its membership. The Board shall meet at such times as it deemsappropriate or on call of the chairman. A majority of the members of theBoard shall constitute a quorum.
E. Members shall receive no compensation for their services. However, allmembers shall be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expensesincurred in the performance of their duties as provided in §§ 2.2-2813 and2.2-2825. Funding for the costs of the expenses of the members shall beprovided by the Office of the Governor.
F. The Office of the Governor shall serve as staff to the Board.
G. The chairman of the Board shall submit to the Governor and the GeneralAssembly an annual executive summary of the interim activity and work of theBoard no later than the first day of each regular session of the GeneralAssembly. The executive summary shall be submitted as provided in theprocedures of the Division of Legislative Automated Systems for theprocessing of legislative documents and reports and shall be posted on theGeneral Assembly's website.
(1996, c. 97, §§ 9-350, 9-351, 9-353; 1997, c. 181; 2001, c. 844; 2003, c.885; 2004, c. 1000.)