§ 2.2-2426. Declaration of public purpose.
It is found and determined by the General Assembly that there exists in theCommonwealth a need to support and capitalize on the universal access ofpublic broadcasting to (i) enrich the lives of all citizens of theCommonwealth without regard to their geographic location or economic statusby providing them with programs and services that educate, inform andenlighten; (ii) improve and enhance the educational opportunities availableto children from pre-kindergarten through secondary schools, adults, homeeducators, and students and personnel at colleges and universities of theCommonwealth; (iii) provide the citizens of the Commonwealth withcomprehensive information on the activities of state government; (iv)maintain and improve the public broadcasting stations' infrastructures fordistribution of broadcast and related services; (v) promote economicdevelopment through the wider availability of worker-training and job-skillsenhancements; (vi) promote tourism through the widespread distribution ofprogramming that recognizes and displays Virginia's historical, educational,recreational and cultural resources; and (vii) improve efficiency in stategovernment through the use of public broadcasting production and distributionsystems.
(1997, c. 858, § 2.1-563.27:1; 2001, c. 844.)