§ 2.2-2449. Membership; terms; vacancies; chairman.
The Board shall consist of twenty-one members to be appointed by the Governoras follows: eighteen citizen members who shall represent business, education,the arts, and government, at least eleven of whom shall be of Asian descent;and the Secretaries of Commerce and Trade, Health and Human Resources, andEducation, or their designees to serve as ex officio members of the Board.
Citizen members shall serve for terms of four years. The Secretaries ofCommerce and Trade, Health and Human Resources, and Education, or theirdesignees, shall serve terms coincident with their terms of office. Vacanciesoccurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpiredterm. Any member may be reappointed for successive terms.
The members of the Board shall elect a chairman and vice-chairman annually.
Members shall receive no compensation for their services, but shall bereimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses in accordance with §2.2-2823.
(2001, c. 566, § 9-401.)