§ 2.2-2454. Powers and duties of Board.
The Board shall have the power and duty to:
1. Advise and make recommendations to the Commissioner of Veterans Servicesupon such matters as may arise in the performance of his duties;
2. Investigate issues related to the provision of care and services toveterans, upon request of the Commissioner of Veterans Services or theGovernor;
3. Study all matters affecting the welfare of Virginia citizens who areveterans or dependents or survivors of such veterans, and makerecommendations to the Commissioner of the Department of Veterans Services;
4. Develop recommendations for policies and procedures related to theefficient and effective delivery of the services provided by the Departmentof Veterans Services;
5. Establish policies related to the coordinated delivery of veteransservices, in consultation with those agencies, entities, and organizations,including counties, cities, towns or other political subdivisions of theCommonwealth capable of providing such services;
6. Monitor the administration of all laws concerning veterans and theirdependents;
7. Review and advise the Commissioner of the Department of Veterans Serviceson the Department's strategic plan;
8. Based on rigorous cost-benefit-value analysis, provide recommendations tothe Department of Veterans Services regarding future projects and theacquisition of facilities that may benefit the State's veterans, includingbut not limited to veterans cemeteries and veterans care centers; and
9. Provide recommendations to the Department of Veterans Services and theVeterans Services Foundation created in § 2.2-2715 regarding gifts, grants,and other resources from public and private entities and organizations tosupport veterans services.
(2003, cc. 657, 670.)