§ 2.2-2462. Definitions.
"Open Education Consortium (Consortium)" means any entity whose purpose isto solicit and obtain rights to curriculum content from Virginia educatorsand others for the sole purpose of making such content available to Virginiaeducators and the public in a variety of authorized licensing arrangements.Consortiums shall be designated by the Open Education Curriculum Board andshall be subject to the requirements and regulations adopted by the Board.
"Tier I content" means educational content, professional developmentmaterials, assessment tools, and any other materials related to educationinstruction submitted to a Consortium and organized, edited, and aligned toVirginia Standards of Learning and offered to the general public for no costunder a Creative Commons license.
"Tier II content" means educational content, professional developmentmaterials, assessment tools, and any other materials related to educationinstruction submitted to a Consortium and organized, edited, and aligned toVirginia Standards of Learning and state assessment requirements based onresearch-supported scope and sequence. A Consortium may offer incentives toencourage the contribution of content, activities, lesson plans, and othereducational materials. Tier II content may be licensed or sold for areasonable fee.
"Tier III content" means educational content, professional developmentmaterials, assessment tools, and any other materials related to educationinstruction submitted to a Consortium and developed into commercial-gradetextbooks and instructional materials suitable for state or local adoption. AConsortium may offer incentives to encourage the contribution of content,activities, lesson plans, and other educational materials. Tier III contentmay be licensed or sold for a reasonable fee, provided the cost shall notexceed the cost of comparable commercial products.
(2010, c. 787.)