§ 2.2-2505. Assessment of proposed mandated benefits and providers.
A. Except as may be otherwise provided in this section, whenever alegislative measure containing a mandated health insurance benefit orprovider is proposed, the standing committee of the General Assembly havingjurisdiction over the proposal shall request that the Commission prepare andforward to the Governor and the General Assembly a study that assesses thesocial and financial impact and the medical efficacy of the proposed mandate.The Commission shall be given a period of twenty-four months to complete andsubmit its assessment.
B. Whenever a legislative measure, as described in subsection A, is identicalor substantially similar to a legislative measure previously reviewed by theSpecial Advisory Commission within the three-year period immediatelypreceding the then current session of the General Assembly, the standingcommittee may request a Commission study as provided in subsection A.
C. The Commission shall assess the social and financial impact and themedical efficacy of existing mandated benefits and providers and report tothe standing committees of the General Assembly having jurisdiction overhealth insurance matters. The Commission shall submit a schedule ofevaluations to the standing committees of the General Assembly havingjurisdiction over health insurance matters setting forth the dates by whichparticular mandates shall be evaluated by the Commission.
D. The standing committees of the General Assembly having jurisdiction overhealth insurance matters may request that the Commission assess the socialand financial impact and the medical efficacy of existing mandated benefitsand providers. The committees shall submit a schedule of evaluations to theCommission setting forth the dates by which particular mandates shall beevaluated by the Commission.
(1990, cc. 618, 634, § 9-299; 1992, c. 626; 2001, c. 844; 2010, c. 329.)