§ 2.2-2519. Membership; terms; quorum; meetings.
The Commission shall have a total membership of seven members that shallconsist of five nonlegislative citizen members and two ex officio members.Nonlegislative citizen members shall be appointed as follows: twononlegislative citizen members who shall be former members of either theboard of visitors of a public institution of higher education or the StateBoard for Community Colleges; one nonlegislative citizen member who shall beeither a former president, provost, or executive vice-president of a publicinstitution of higher education; and two nonlegislative citizen members whoshall be citizens-at-large to be appointed by the Governor. The Secretary ofEducation or his designee and the Secretary of the Commonwealth or hisdesignee shall serve ex officio with nonvoting privileges. Nonlegislativecitizen members of the Commission shall be citizens of the Commonwealth.
Nonlegislative citizen members shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor,and ex officio members of the Commission shall serve terms coincident withtheir terms of office.
(2005, cc. 933, 945.)