§ 2.2-2614. Citizens' Advisory Council on Furnishing andInterpreting the Executive Mansion; purpose as a nonprofit charitableorganization; membership; terms; officers and executive groups; compensation.
A. The Citizens' Advisory Council on Furnishing andInterpreting the Executive Mansion (the "Council") is established asan advisory council in the executive branch of state government to operate as anonprofit charitable organization. No part of the Council's net earnings shallinure to the benefit of any private individual nor shall it carry on propagandaor otherwise attempt to influence legislation or participate in any politicalcampaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
B. The Council shall not exceed thirty members, who shall beappointed by the Governor. No employee of the Commonwealth or member of theGeneral Assembly shall be eligible for appointment as a member of the Council.All members shall be deemed members-at-large charged with the responsibility ofserving the best interests of the whole Commonwealth and no member shall act asrepresentative of any particular region or of any particular agency or activity.
C. Of the members first appointed, nine shall be appointed forterms of one year, nine for terms of three years, and the remaining number forterms of five years. After the original appointments, all appointments shall befor five-year terms. No member of the Council who serves a full five-year termshall be eligible for reappointment; provided, that one year after thetermination of his or her appointment, a member shall be eligible forreappointment. All vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term in the samemanner as the original appointments.
D. The spouse of the Governor, if any, shall be the honorarychairperson of the Council. The Governor shall designate one member of theCouncil to serve as chairman of an executive group, such executive group to bedetermined by the Council, and to be composed of members of the Council. Otheradvisory and cooperative groups may be appointed by the chairman. After thechairman has served three years, the Council thereafter shall elect itschairman.
E. Members of the Council shall not receive any compensationor reimbursement of expenses for their services.
(1973, c. 431, §§ 9-84.5, 9-84.6; 1985, c. 448; 2001, c. 844.)