§ 2.2-2627. Duties of the Council.
A. The Council shall have the following duties:
1. Examine the needs of older Virginians and their caregivers and ways inwhich state government can most effectively and efficiently assist in meetingthose needs;
2. Advise the Governor and General Assembly on aging issues and aging policyfor the Commonwealth;
3. Advise the Governor on any proposed regulations deemed by the Director ofthe Department of Planning and Budget to have a substantial and distinctimpact on older Virginians and their caregivers. Such advice shall beprovided in addition to other regulatory reviews required by theAdministrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.);
4. Advocate for and assist in developing the Commonwealth's planning formeeting the needs of the growing number of older Virginians and theircaregivers;
5. Advise the Governor and General Assembly regarding the activities of theDepartment for the Aging; and
6. Assist and advise the Department with the development and ongoing reviewof the Virginia Respite Care Grant Program pursuant to Article 3 (§ 2.2-714et seq.) of Chapter 7 of this title.
B. The Council may apply for and expend such grants, gifts, or bequests fromany source as may become available in connection with its duties under thissection, and may comply with such conditions and requirements as may beimposed in connection therewith.
C. For the purposes of this section, "older Virginians" means persons aged60 years and older.
(1998, c. 665, § 2.1-373.02; 2000, cc. 877, 896; 2001, c. 844; 2010, cc. 411,801.)