§ 2.2-2629. Powers and duties of Council; acceptance of gifts and grants;reporting requirement.
A. The Council shall gather information on and make studies and conductresearch concerning the Indians in the Commonwealth and advise the Governoron issues affecting the Virginia Indian communities. The Council shall be anadvocate for education of the general public regarding the past and presentIndians of Virginia.
B. The Council may apply for, accept and expend gifts, grants or donationsfrom public or private sources to enable it to better carry out itsobjectives.
C. The Council shall establish criteria for tribal recognition and shallrecommend to the General Assembly and the Governor in its biennial reportthose tribes meeting the criteria that should be given official staterecognition.
D. The Council shall report its findings and recommendations to the Governorand the General Assembly not less than 60 days prior to the convening of thesession of the General Assembly held in each even-numbered year.
(1983, c. 20, §§ 9-138.2, 9-138.3, 9-138.4; 1991, c. 563; 2001, c. 844; 2002,c. 562; 2005, c. 61.)