§ 2.2-2634. Powers and duties of Council.
In addition to the other powers and duties prescribed in this article, theCouncil shall have the following powers to:
1. Meet and function at any place in the Commonwealth;
2. Establish and maintain an office;
3. Select, and fix the compensation of, such technical advisors and employeesas it deems necessary, or to authorize such action by the Director. TheAttorney General shall represent the Council in all litigation to which theCouncil is a party;
4. Appoint and compensate qualified hearing officers from the list of hearingofficers maintained by the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court ofVirginia;
5. Promote creation of local commissions to aid in effectuating the policiesof this article and to enter into cooperative worksharing or other agreementswith federal agencies or local commissions, including the deferral ofcomplaints of discrimination to federal agencies or local commissions;
6. Adopt, promulgate, amend and rescind regulations consistent with thisarticle pursuant to the Virginia Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 etseq.). No such regulation shall be inconsistent with any state or federal lawor regulation. However, the Council shall not have the authority to adoptregulations on a substantive matter when another state agency is authorizedto adopt such regulations;
7. Receive, investigate, seek to conciliate, refer to another agency, holdhearings pursuant to the Virginia Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 etseq.), and make findings and recommendations upon complaints allegingunlawful discriminatory practices;
8. Make studies and appoint advisory councils to effectuate the purposes andpolicies of the article and to make the results thereof available to thepublic;
9. Accept public grants or private gifts, bequests, or other payments, asappropriate;
10. Furnish technical assistance upon request of persons subject to thisarticle to further comply with the article or an order issued thereunder;
11. Inquire into incidents that may constitute unlawful acts ofdiscrimination or unfounded charges of unlawful discrimination under state orfederal law, and to take such action within the Council's authority designedto prevent such acts;
12. Create an official seal that shall be judicially noticed; and
13. Seek, with the approval of the Attorney General, through appropriateenforcement authorities, prevention of or relief from an alleged unlawfuldiscriminatory practice; however, the Council itself shall have no power toissue subpoenas, award damages, or grant injunctive relief.
(1987, c. 581, § 2.1-720; 2001, c. 844; 2004, c. 58.)