§ 2.2-2649. Office of Comprehensive Services for At-Risk Youth and Familiesestablished; powers and duties.
A. The Office of Comprehensive Services for At-Risk Youth and Families ishereby established to serve as the administrative entity of the Council andto ensure that the decisions of the council are implemented. The directorshall be hired by and subject to the direction and supervision of the Councilpursuant to § 2.2-2648.
B. The director of the Office of Comprehensive Services for At-Risk Youth andFamilies shall:
1. Develop and recommend to the state executive council programs and fiscalpolicies that promote and support cooperation and collaboration in theprovision of services to troubled and at-risk youths and their families atthe state and local levels;
2. Develop and recommend to the Council state interagency policies governingthe use, distribution and monitoring of moneys in the state pool of funds andthe state trust fund;
3. Develop and provide for the consistent oversight for programadministration and compliance with state policies and procedures;
4. Provide for training and technical assistance to localities in theprovision of efficient and effective services that are responsive to thestrengths and needs of troubled and at-risk youths and their families;
5. Serve as liaison to the participating state agencies that administrativelysupport the Office and that provide other necessary services;
6. Provide an informal review and negotiation process pursuant to subdivisionD 19 of § 2.2-2648;
7. Implement, in collaboration with participating state agencies, policies,guidelines and procedures adopted by the State Executive Council;
8. Consult regularly with the Virginia Municipal League, the VirginiaCoalition of Private Provider Associations, and the Virginia Association ofCounties about implementation and operation of the Comprehensive Services Act(§ 2.2-5200 et seq.);
9. Hire appropriate staff as approved by the Council;
10. Identify, disseminate, and provide annual training for CSA staff andother interested parties on best practices and evidence-based practicesrelated to the Comprehensive Services Program;
11. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the State ExecutiveCouncil;
12. Develop and implement uniform data collection standards and collect data,utilizing a secure electronic database for CSA-funded services, in accordancewith subdivision D 16 of § 2.2-2648;
13. Develop and implement a uniform set of performance measures for theComprehensive Services Act program in accordance with subdivision D 17 of §2.2-2648;
14. Develop, implement, and distribute management reports in accordance withsubdivision D 18 of § 2.2-2648;
15. Report to the Council all expenditures associated with serving childrenwho receive pool-funded services. The report shall include expenditures for(i) all services purchased with pool funding; (ii) treatment, foster carecase management, and residential care funded by Medicaid; and (iii)child-specific payments made through the Title IV-E program;
16. Report to the Council on the nature and cost of all services provided tothe population of at-risk and troubled children identified by the StateExecutive Council as within the scope of the CSA program;
17. Develop and distribute model job descriptions for the position ofComprehensive Services Act Coordinator and provide technical assistance tolocalities and their coordinators to help them to guide localities inprioritizing coordinator's responsibilities toward activities to maximizeprogram effectiveness and minimize spending; and
18. Develop and distribute guidelines, approved by the State ExecutiveCouncil, regarding the development and use of multidisciplinary teams, inorder to encourage utilization of multidisciplinary teams in service planningand to reduce Family Assessment and Planning Team caseloads to allow FamilyAssessment and Planning Teams to devote additional time to more complex andpotentially costly cases.
C. The director of the Office of Comprehensive Services, in order to providesupport and assistance to the Comprehensive Policy and Management Teams(CPMTs) and Family Assessment and Planning Teams (FAPTs) established pursuantto the Comprehensive Services Act for At-Risk Youth and Families (§ 2.2-5200et seq.), shall:
1. Develop and maintain a web-based statewide automated database, withsupport from the Department of Information Technology or its successoragency, of the authorized vendors of the Comprehensive Services Act (CSA)services to include verification of a vendor's licensure status, a listing ofeach discrete CSA service offered by the vendor, and the discrete CSAservice's rate determined in accordance with § 2.2-5214; and
2. Develop, in consultation with the Department of General Services, CPMTs,and vendors, a standardized purchase of services contract, which in additionto general contract provisions when utilizing state pool funds will enablelocalities to specify the discrete service or services they are purchasingfor the specified client, the required reporting of the client's servicedata, including types and numbers of disabilities, mental health and mentalretardation diagnoses, or delinquent behaviors for which the purchasedservices are intended to address, the expected outcomes resulting from theseservices and the performance timeframes mutually agreed to when the servicesare purchased.
(2000, c. 937, § 2.1-746.1; 2001, c. 844; 2002, c. 410; 2003, c. 485; 2008,cc. 38, 277; 2009, c. 275.)