§ 2.2-2664. Virginia Interagency Coordinating Council; purpose; membership;duties.
A. The Virginia Interagency Coordinating Council (the Council) is establishedas an advisory council, within the meaning of § 2.2-2100, in the executivebranch of state government. The purpose of the Council shall be to promoteand coordinate early intervention services in the Commonwealth.
B. The membership and operation of the Council shall be as required by Part Cof the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. § 1431 etseq.). The Commissioner of the Department of Health, the Director of theDepartment for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing, the Superintendent of PublicInstruction, the Director of the Department of Medical Assistance Services,the Commissioner of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, theCommissioner of Social Services, the Commissioner of the Department for theBlind and Vision Impaired, the Director of the Virginia Office for Protectionand Advocacy, and the Commissioner of the Bureau of Insurance within theState Corporation Commission shall each appoint one person from his agency toserve as the agency's representative on the Council.
Agency representatives shall regularly inform their agency head of theCouncil's activities and the status of the implementation of an earlyintervention services system in the Commonwealth.
C. The Council's duties shall include advising and assisting the state leadagency in the following:
1. Performing its responsibilities for the early intervention services system;
2. Identifying sources of fiscal and other support for early interventionservices, recommending financial responsibility arrangements among agencies,and promoting interagency agreements;
3. Developing strategies to encourage full participation, coordination, andcooperation of all appropriate agencies;
4. Resolving interagency disputes;
5. Gathering information about problems that impede timely and effectiveservice delivery and taking steps to ensure that any identified policyproblems are resolved;
6. Preparing federal grant applications; and
7. Preparing and submitting an annual report to the Governor and the U.S.Secretary of Education on the status of early intervention services withinthe Commonwealth.
(1992, c. 771, § 2.1-765; 2001, c. 844; 2004, c. 38; 2005, c. 695; 2009, cc.813, 840.)