§ 2.2-2666.2. Duties of Council; staff support.
The Council shall identify and study and provide advice and comments to theGovernor on issues of mutual concern to the Commonwealth and the Armed Forcesof the United States, including exclusive and concurrent jurisdiction overmilitary installations, educational quality and the future of federal impactaid, preparedness, public safety and security concerns, transportation needs,alcoholic beverage law enforcement, substance abuse, social service needs,possible expansion and growth of military facilities in the Commonwealth andsuch other issues as the Governor or the Council may determine to beappropriate subjects of joint consideration.
Such staff support as is necessary for the conduct of the Council's businessshall be furnished by the Office of the Governor, the Office of the Secretaryof Public Safety, the Department of Military Affairs, and such otherexecutive agencies as the Governor may designate. The Governor shalldesignate the chairman from among the members.
(2002, c. 676.)