§ 2.2-2668. Powers and duties of Council.
The Council shall have the power and duty to:
1. Upon request, assist local governments, regional authorities and agenciesof the Commonwealth in meeting recycling mandates established under state lawand identify markets for recycled or recovered materials collected orgenerated by local governments, regional authorities or agencies of theCommonwealth;
2. Identify and evaluate existing or proposed state statutes, policies,regulations, and procedures that may attract or deter new businesses or theexpansion or retention of existing businesses that can use recycled orrecovered materials generated in the Commonwealth or that may create barriersto the development of markets for or the reuse of recycled materialscollected by or on behalf of local governments and regional authorities;
3. Facilitate access to markets for recycled or recovered materials collectedby local governments, authorities, businesses, and residents of theCommonwealth;
4. Develop, update annually, and implement a plan to fulfill its powers andduties; and
5. Upon request of the Governor, resolution of the General Assembly, astanding or joint study committee, the Secretary of Natural Resources, or theDepartment of Environmental Quality, report its findings and recommendationsas directed.
(1993, c. 162, § 9-145.47; 1997, cc. 240, 269; 2001, c. 844; 2004, c. 385.)