§ 2.2-2677. Powers and duties.
A. The Council shall have the power and duty to:
1. Advise the Governor, the Director of the Department of Human ResourceManagement and the Director of the Department of Employment DisputeResolution on all matters relating to personnel administration;
2. Review all public employer-employee relations throughout the Commonwealth;
3. Review the Department of Employment Dispute Resolution's program ofemployee management relations and make recommendations to improvecommunications between employees and agencies and instrumentalities of theCommonwealth;
4. Carry out such other functions as the Governor deems appropriate;
5. Review the Department of Human Resource Management's training andmanagement programs, compensation and classification practices, benefitprograms, and recruitment practices;
6. Advise the Governor on issues and concerns of state retirees and activeemployees regarding health insurance coverage and other health relatedbenefits; and
7. Advise the Department of Human Resource Management on any plan or plans,subject to approval by the Governor, for providing health insurance coveragefor employees of local governments, local officers, teachers, and retirees,and the dependents of such employees, officers, teachers and retirees.
The Council shall be charged with the responsibility of monitoring theCommonwealth's equal employment opportunity practices so as to assure thatsuch practices fulfill the Commonwealth's obligations of providing equalopportunity to all employees and applicants. The Council may (i) call uponthe Director of Human Resource Management and other state officials forinformation and reports to assist them in their work; (ii) act as acommunications channel for groups both inside and outside of state governmentthat wish to have their views on equal employment opportunity expressed tostate government; and (iii) make recommendations to state agencies concerningthe implementation of their affirmative action plans and programs.
B. The Council members shall refer employees who have work-relateddiscrimination complaints to the Director of Equal Opportunity and EmployeePrograms. Once the discrimination complaint is referred to the Director, thematter shall be reviewed in accordance with the Equal Employment OpportunityComplaint Procedure of the Department of Human Resource Management, or at theemployee's option, the State Grievance Procedure. The Committee shall auditand review the Commonwealth's equal opportunity posture at least once a yearand recommend improvements to the Governor.
The Council shall review the progress of state agency affirmative actionplans and programs, and make recommendations for changes as warranted.
(2001, cc. 520, 806, § 9-398.)