§ 2.2-2682. Powers and duties.
A. The Council shall have the following powers and duties:
1. Advise the Department of Veterans Services regarding (i) methods ofproviding support for ongoing veterans services and programs, and (ii)addressing veterans issues on an ongoing basis;
2. Recommend issues that may potentially impact veterans of the armed forcesof the United States and their eligible spouses, orphans, and dependents;
3. Advise the Department of Veterans Services and the Board of VeteransServices on matters of concern to Virginia-domiciled veterans and theireligible spouses, orphans, and dependents;
4. Promote and support existing veterans services and programs;
5. Recommend and promote implementation of new efficient and effectiveadministrative initiatives that enhance existing veterans services andprograms or provide for necessary veterans services and programs notcurrently provided; and
6. Maintain a nonpartisan approach to maintaining and improving veteransservices and programs in the Commonwealth.
B. The chairman shall report to the Commissioner and the Board of VeteransServices the results of its meetings and submit an annual report on or beforeNovember 30 of each year.
C. The Council may apply for funds from the Veterans Services Foundation toenable it to better carry out its objectives. The Council shall not imposeunreasonable burdens or costs in connection with requests of agencies.
(2003, cc. 657, 670; 2008, cc. 467, 768.)