§ 2.2-2683. (Expires July 1, 2013) Definitions.
As used in this article:
"Long-term objective" means a measurable standard of desired performanceachievement extending at least five years into the future.
"Performance budgeting" means a systematic incorporation of planning,strategic performance and productivity measurement, and program evaluationinformation into the budgetary process.
"Performance management" means a management system consisting of strategicplanning, strategic performance and productivity measurement, programevaluation, and performance budgeting.
"Program evaluation" means an evaluation of the progress made toward theachievement of long-term objectives, current initiatives, and increasedproductivity.
"Roadmap" or "Roadmap for Virginia's Future" means a planning processthat may include some or all of the following sequential steps: (i)developing a set of guiding principles that are reflective of publicsentiment and relevant to critical decision-making; (ii) establishing along-term vision for the Commonwealth; (iii) conducting a situation analysesof core state service categories; (iv) setting long-term objectives for stateservices; (v) aligning state services to the long-term objectives; (vi)instituting a planning and performance management system consisting ofstrategic planning, performance measurement, program evaluation, andperformance budgeting; and (vii) performing plan adjustments based on publicinput and evaluation of the results of the Roadmap.
"Situational analyses" means the assessment of state agency performance incore service areas.
"Strategic planning" means the systematic clarification and documentationof what a state agency wishes to achieve and how to achieve it. The objectiveof strategic planning is a set of goals, action steps, and measurementsconstructed to guide performance.
"Strategic performance and productivity measures" means the use of data toreview the current performance, improvement in productivity, and progressagainst the long-term objectives.
"Vision" means an aspirational expression of a future condition for theCommonwealth that is both essential and desirable and extends at least 10years into the future.
(2003, c. 900.)