§ 2.2-2686. (Expires July 1, 2013) Duties of the Council.
A. The Council shall have the following duties:
1. Recommend a timetable for phasing in and establishing guiding principlesfor the Roadmap;
2. Recommend long-term objectives for the Commonwealth and monitor and advisethe Governor and the General Assembly regarding the progress toward theobjectives;
3. Provide advice on the implementation of the performance-management systemacross state government;
4. Disseminate information to the public on the Commonwealth'sperformance-management system;
5. Recommend a systematic process for the periodic evaluation of the Roadmapand adherence to the long-term goals and recommend improvements to theGovernor and the General Assembly. The periodic evaluation process shallprovide for enhanced opportunities for public participation and input;
6. Beginning November 1, 2004, develop and submit annually to the GeneralAssembly and the Governor and publish to the public a balanced accountabilityscorecard containing an assessment of (i) current service performance, (ii)productivity improvement, and (iii) progress against long-term objectives.The balanced scorecard shall also contain other evaluative recommendationsthat will enhance the provision of state services and suggested measures toevaluate progress against long-term objectives; and
7. Solicit public input on appropriate aspects of the Roadmap as determinedby the Council.
B. By January 1, 2004, the Council shall recommend to the Governor and theGeneral Assembly legislation defining the vision, long-term objectives, andappropriate performance measures for state government. The Council shallreview the long-term objectives for state government every two years.
(2003, c. 900.)