§ 2.2-2699. Powers and duties of the Council.
The Council shall have the power and duty to:
1. Advise the Governor on funding priorities for modeling and simulationprograms at the Commonwealth's institutions of higher education.
2. Develop policy initiatives and advise the Governor on strategies topromote the modeling and simulation industry in the Commonwealth.
3. Advise the Virginia Economic Development Partnership regarding (i)attracting new modeling and simulation businesses to the Commonwealth and(ii) assisting the development of the Commonwealth's existing modeling andsimulation industry.
4. Develop recommendations in conjunction with the Virginia EconomicDevelopment Partnership on how to market the Commonwealth's modeling andsimulation capabilities to all businesses and industries, especially thosenot fully utilizing modeling and simulation applications.
5. Develop recommendations that will assist in making Virginia a nationalleader in the modeling and simulation industry.
(2007, c. 857.)