§ 2.2-2699.2. Powers and duties of the Council.
The Council shall have the power and duty to:
1. Identify opportunities and recommend actions to use the economicdevelopment engine offered by Virginia's aerospace sector to benefit thesector and the Commonwealth, including the attraction to Virginia of launchand other aerospace companies, as well as federal, national, andinternational investments, such as the FAA's NextGen initiative and emergingNASA and other federal programs;
2. Develop a long-term strategic plan to make the Mid-Atlantic RegionalSpaceport the commercial hub for space travel originating or concluding inthe United States;
3. Contribute to the continued development of the Mid-Atlantic RegionalSpaceport. Development efforts shall include, in part:
a. Identification of any federal or state regulatory impediments, includingtaxation, to the development of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport;
b. Identification of threats to the spaceport's viability, such asencroachment, zoning, mineral exploration and exploitation, and noncompatibleuses of the spaceport; and
c. Identification and recommendation of policy and legislative solutions topotential state legal barriers to human spaceflight;
4. Advise the Governor and the General Assembly on infrastructure andmarketing investments needed to achieve the full potential of Virginia'saerospace sector as a whole, including, but not limited to, the Mid-AtlanticRegional Spaceport;
5. Identify and recommend policies to support the critical role of Virginia'suniversities in providing human capital and research contributions thatsignificantly impact the economic development of aerospace-related andaerodynamic-dependent industries in the Commonwealth;
6. Identify and recommend policies to support aerospace sector needs forworkforce development as provided by the Virginia Community College Systemand precollege educational system, including suggestions for enhanceddevelopment of Virginia's high-tech workforce pipeline in engineering,technology, and science; and
7. Assist the Governor in any aerospace-related events and conferences hostedby the Commonwealth.
(2007, c. 891; 2010, cc. 339, 836.)