§ 2.2-2699.4. (Expires July 1, 2018) Powers and duties of the Council.
The Council shall have the power and duty to:
1. Monitor the broadband-based development efforts of other states andnations in areas such as business, education, and health;
2. Advise the Governor, Secretary of Technology, and the General Assembly onpolicies and strategies related to making affordable broadband servicesavailable to every Virginia home and business;
3. Monitor broadband-related activities at the federal level;
4. Encourage public-private partnerships to increase the deployment andadoption of broadband services and applications;
5. Annually report to the Governor and the Joint Commission on Technology andScience on the progress towards the goal of universal access for businessesand on the assessment of Commonwealth broadband infrastructure investmentsand utilization of Council-supported resources to promote broadband access;
6. Periodically review and comment on the quality, availability, andaccessibility of state-maintained or funded broadband resources and programs,including but not limited to: Virginia Resources Authority Act funding of the"Online Community Toolkit"; the Center for Innovative Technology's mappingand outreach initiatives; investments made through programs administered bythe Department of Education, Department of Housing and Community Development,Department of Public Rail and Transportation, and the Tobacco Indemnificationand Community Revitalization Commission; and
7. Monitor regulatory and policy changes for potential impact on broadbanddeployment and sustainability in the Commonwealth.
(2009, cc. 818, 852.)