§ 2.2-2700. Virginia Arts Foundation; board of trustees; compensation; staff.
A. The Virginia Arts Foundation (the "Foundation"), is established to serveas an advisory foundation, within the meaning of § 2.2-2100, in the executivebranch of state government and shall be deemed a body politic and corporateto be organized and to have such powers and duties as provided in thisarticle.
B. The Foundation shall be governed by a board of trustees, consisting of themembers of the Virginia Commission for the Arts.
C. Any person designated by the board of trustees to handle the funds of theFoundation shall give bond, with corporate surety, in a penalty fixed by theGovernor, conditioned upon the faithful discharge of his duties. Any premiumon the bond shall be paid from funds available to the Foundation.
D. The board of trustees, acting as members of the Virginia Commission forthe Arts, shall be entitled to reimbursement for all actual and necessaryexpenses, as provided by § 2.2-2509.
E. The Director of the Virginia Commission for the Arts shall serve as thechairman, and the staff of such Commission shall serve as staff for theFoundation.
(1997, c. 878, §§ 9-84.08, 9-84.09; 2001, c. 844.)