§ 2.2-2706. Authority of Foundation.
The Foundation is vested with full authority to:
1. Manage, control, maintain, and operate the Virginia War Memorial,including the contents, furnishings, grounds, funds, property and endowmentsthereof;
2. Set fees for the use of the Memorial;
3. Adopt regulations for the use and visitation to the Memorial, whichregulations shall be exempt from the provisions of the Administrative ProcessAct (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.);
4. Participate with the military forces of the United States and theCommonwealth and with veterans organizations in the planning, development andexecution of appropriate programs and events that further the purposes of theMemorial;
5. Employ and discharge from employment such persons as may be necessary tomanage, control, maintain, operate and raise funds for the Memorial;
6. Determine what programs and activities may and should be carried out atthe Memorial;
7. Enter into contracts with respect to the duties and responsibilitiesimposed upon the Foundation herein; all such contracts shall be approved bythe Attorney General;
8. Establish a nonprofit corporation as an instrumentality to assist in thedetails of administering the affairs of the Foundation;
9. Create, invest and use an endowment fund for the purposes set forth inthis section;
10. Take such actions as may be reasonably necessary to seek, promote andstimulate contributions for the endowment, maintenance, and improvement ofthe Memorial and activities therein;
11. Receive, expend and administer on behalf of the Commonwealth donations,gifts, grants, bequests and devises of real and personal property for theendowment of the Memorial or for any special purpose designated by the donorthat is consistent with the purposes of the Memorial set forth in thisarticle; and
12. Change the form of any funds, securities, or other property, real orpersonal, provided that such change is consistent with the terms of theinstrument under which the same was acquired.
(1992, c. 592, § 2.1-51.27:2; 2001, c. 844.)