§ 2.2-2903.1. State employees ordered to active military service.
A. As used in this section, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Active military duty" means federally funded military duty as (i) a memberof the armed forces of the United States on active duty pursuant to Title 10U.S.C. or (ii) a member of the Virginia National Guard on active dutypursuant to either Title 10 or Title 32 U.S.C.
"State employee" means any person who is regularly employed full time oneither a salaried or wage basis, whose tenure is not restricted as totemporary or provisional appointment, in the service of, and whosecompensation is payable, no more often than biweekly, in whole or in part, bythe Commonwealth or any department, institution or agency thereof.
B. For any state employee who has been ordered to active military service inthe armed forces of the United States or in the organized reserve forces ofany of the armed services of the United States or of the Virginia NationalGuard, the Commonwealth shall allow the use of accrued annual leave foractive military duty according to personnel policies developed by theDepartment of Human Resource Management.
(2003, c. 789.)