§ 2.2-302. Responsibilities of Office.
It shall be the responsibility of the Office, through its Director,generally, to serve as an institutional and organizational link between thegovernment of the Commonwealth and those agencies, bureaus, departments,offices, and entities of the United States government located in the City ofWashington, D. C., and its immediate environs. The responsibilities of theOffice shall include, but not necessarily be limited to:
1. Monitoring and tracking the development of federal legislation which is ofinterest to the Commonwealth;
2. Conducting in-depth analyses of federal legislation and regulations as totheir impact upon the Commonwealth;
3. Providing state agencies with up-to-date information on the status offederal legislation and regulations;
4. Influencing the development of federal legislation by keeping the StateCongressional Delegation informed about the Governor's priorities;
5. Alerting state agencies and local governments to early opportunities forfederal grants;
6. Joining in cooperative efforts with other states, through their Washingtonoffices, on issues of mutual concern;
7. Maintaining personal contacts with Congressional staffs, key federalagency officials, public interest groups, etc.;
8. Writing, or advising upon, testimony to be presented by the Governor orstate agency heads before Congressional committees;
9. Assisting state agency officials in resolving administrative problemswhich occur between the state and federal agencies;
10. Monitoring and tracking the status of federal grant applicationssubmitted by state agencies;
11. Assisting state agencies in obtaining needed information from the federalgovernment;
12. Serving as a base office for state officials traveling to Washington;
13. Arranging meetings between federal and state officials;
14. Serving as an information source about the Commonwealth when called uponby another state's Congressional delegate's staff;
15. Preparing analyses of legislation and initiatives which originate withthe federal government, other states and interstate groups, includingpreparing statements of their potential impact on the Commonwealth, andcoordinating state positions on such legislation and initiatives;
16. Maintaining liaison with other states and interstate groups;
17. Supporting state agencies in monitoring and influencing the developmentof federal regulations of interest to the Commonwealth; and
18. Reporting twice yearly to the members of the Senate Committee on Finance,the House Committee on Appropriations, and the Governor all federal mandatesand regulations that may have an effect on the Commonwealth. These reportsshall be presented by January 15 and July 15 of each year and shall containthe names of those Virginia congressional members who voted for thelegislation resulting in the mandates.
(1978, c. 515, § 2.1-567; 1981, c. 315; 1994, c. 479; 1997, c. 67; 2001, c.844.)