§ 2.2-3109. Prohibited contracts by other officers and employees of localgovernmental agencies.
A. No other officer or employee of any governmental agency of localgovernment shall have a personal interest in a contract with the agency ofwhich he is an officer or employee other than his own contract of employment.
B. No officer or employee of any governmental agency of local governmentshall have a personal interest in a contract with any other governmentalagency that is a component of the government of his county, city or townunless such contract is (i) awarded as a result of competitive sealed biddingor competitive negotiation as defined in § 2.2-4301 or is awarded as a resultof a procedure embodying competitive principles as authorized by subdivisions10 or 11 of § 2.2-4343 or (ii) is awarded after a finding, in writing, by theadministrative head of the governmental agency that competitive bidding ornegotiation is contrary to the best interest of the public.
C. The provisions of this section shall not apply to:
1. An employee's personal interest in additional contracts for goods orservices, or contracts of employment with his own governmental agency thataccrue to him because of a member of his immediate family, provided theemployee does not exercise any control over (i) the employment or theemployment activities of the member of his immediate family and (ii) theemployee is not in a position to influence those activities or the award ofthe contract for goods or services;
2. An officer's or employee's personal interest in a contract of employmentwith any other governmental agency that is a component part of the governmentof his county, city or town;
3. Contracts for the sale by a governmental agency of services or goods atuniform prices available to the general public;
4. Members of local governing bodies who are subject to § 2.2-3107;
5. Members of local school boards who are subject to § 2.2-3108; or
6. Any ownership or financial interest of members of the governing body,administrators, and other personnel serving in a public charter school inrenovating, lending, granting, or leasing public charter school facilities,as the case may be, provided such interest has been disclosed in the publiccharter school application as required by § 22.1-212.8.
(1987, Sp. Sess., c. 1, § 2.1-639.8; 1996, c. 548; 2001, c. 844; 2004, c.530; 2009, c. 862.)