§ 2.2-3200. Short title; purpose.
A. This chapter shall be known as the Workforce Transition Act of 1995.
B. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a transitional severancebenefit, under the conditions specified, to eligible state employees who areinvoluntarily separated from their employment with the Commonwealth."Involuntary separation" includes, but is not limited to, terminations andlayoffs from employment with the Commonwealth, or being placed on leavewithout pay-layoff or equivalent status, due to budget reductions, agencyreorganizations, workforce down-sizings, or other causes not related to thejob performance or misconduct of the employee, but shall not includevoluntary resignations. As used in this chapter, a "terminated employee"shall mean an employee who is involuntarily separated from employment withthe Commonwealth.
(1995, cc. 152, 811, § 2.1-116.20; 2001, c. 844.)