§ 2.2-3301. Acts, business transactions, legal proceedings, etc., on holidaysvalid.
No contract made, instrument executed, or act done on any of the legalholidays named in § 2.2-3300 or on any Saturday shall be thereby renderedinvalid. Nothing in § 2.2-3300 shall be construed to prevent or invalidatethe entry, issuance, service or execution of any writ, summons, confession,judgment, order or decree, or other legal process whatever, or the session ofthe proceedings of any court or judge on any of the legal holidays orSaturdays nor to prevent any bank, banker, banking corporation, firm orassociation from keeping their doors open and transacting any lawful businesson any of the legal holidays or Saturdays.
(Code 1950, § 2-20; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-22; 2001, c. 844.)