§ 2.2-3501. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Access" means the ability to receive, use, and manipulate data and operatecontrols included in information technology.
"Blind" or "visually impaired" individual means an individual who has:(i) a visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with correctinglenses or has a limited field of vision so that the widest diameter of thevisual field subtends an angle no greater than 20 degrees; (ii) a medicallyindicated expectation of visual deterioration; or (iii) a medically diagnosedlimitation in visual functioning that restricts the individual's ability toread and write standard print at levels expected of individuals of comparableability.
"Covered entity" means all state agencies, public institutions of highereducation, and political subdivisions of the Commonwealth.
"Information technology" means all electronic information processinghardware and software, including telecommunications.
"Nonvisual" means synthesized speech, Braille, and other output methods notrequiring sight.
"Telecommunications" means the transmission of information, images,pictures, voice or data by radio, video, or other electronic or impulsemeans, but shall not include public broadcasting services as defined in §2.2-2427.
(1999, cc. 769, 773, § 2.1-808; 2001, c. 844.)