§ 2.2-3504. Implementation.
A. The head of any covered entity may, with respect to nonvisual accesssoftware or peripheral devices, approve the exclusion of the technologyaccess clause only to the extent that the cost of the software or devices forthe covered entity would increase the total cost of the procurement by morethan five percent. All exclusions of the technology access clause from anycontract shall be reported annually to the Secretary of Technology.
B. The acquisition and installation of hardware, software, or peripheraldevices used for nonvisual access when the information technology is beingused exclusively by individuals who are not blind or visually impaired shallnot be required.
C. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection B, the applications programsand underlying operating systems (including the format of the data) used forthe manipulation and presentation of information shall permit theinstallation and effective use of nonvisual access software and peripheraldevices.
(1999, cc. 769, 773, § 2.1-811; 2001, c. 844.)