§ 2.2-3601. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Department" includes all departments established in the executive branchof state government and local agencies under the jurisdiction or supervisionthereof, and for the purposes of §§ 2.2-3602, 2.2-3604 and 2.2-3605, shallinclude political subdivisions of the Commonwealth.
"Material donor" means any person who, without financial gain, providesfunds, materials, employment, or opportunities for clients of agencies,instrumentalities, or political subdivisions of the Commonwealth;
"Occasional-service volunteer" means any person who provides a one-time oroccasional voluntary service;
"Regular-service volunteer" means any person engaged in specific voluntaryservice activities on an ongoing or continuous basis;
"Volunteer" means any person who, of his own free will, provides goods orservices, without any financial gain, to any agency, instrumentality orpolitical subdivision of the Commonwealth;
"Volunteer in state and local services" shall include, but shall not belimited to, any person who serves in a Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) unit or ona Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) while engaged in emergencyservices and preparedness activities as defined in § 44-146.16.
(1977, c. 347, § 2.1-555; 1979, c. 131; 2001, c. 844; 2005, c. 474.)