§ 2.2-3602. Scope of chapter; status of volunteers; reimbursements.
A. Every department, through its executive head, may develop volunteerprograms and accept the services of volunteers, including regular-servicevolunteers, occasional-service volunteers, or material donors, to assist inprograms carried out or administered by that department.
B. Volunteers recruited, trained, or accepted by any department shall, to theextent of their voluntary service, be exempt from all provisions of lawrelating to state employment, hours of work, rate of compensation, leavetime, and employee benefits except those enumerated in or consistent with §2.2-3605. Volunteers shall, however, at all times comply with applicable workrules.
C. Every department utilizing the services of volunteers may providevolunteers with such incidental reimbursements as are consistent with theprovisions of § 2.2-3605, including transportation costs, lodging, andsubsistence, as the department deems appropriate to assist volunteers inperforming their duties.
D. For the purposes of this chapter, individuals involved in emergencyservices and preparedness activities pursuant to the definition of"emergency services" in § 44-146.16 shall be considered volunteers in stateand local services and shall be accordingly entitled to the benefitsconferred in this chapter. As volunteers in state and local services, suchindividuals shall be deemed to be regular-service volunteers.
(1977, c. 347, § 2.1-556; 2001, c. 844; 2005, c. 474.)