§ 2.2-3603. Responsibilities of departments.
Each department utilizing the services of volunteers shall:
1. Take actions necessary and appropriate to develop meaningful opportunitiesfor volunteers involved in its programs and to improve public services;
2. Develop written rules governing the recruitment, screening, training,responsibility, utilization and supervision of volunteers;
3. Take actions necessary to ensure that volunteers and paid staff understandtheir respective duties and responsibilities, their relationship to eachother, and their respective roles in fulfilling the objectives of theirdepartment;
4. Take actions necessary and appropriate to ensure a receptive climate forcitizen volunteers;
5. Provide for the recognition of volunteers who have offered exceptionalservice to the Commonwealth; and
6. Recognize prior volunteer service as partial fulfillment of stateemployment requirements for training and experience established by theDepartment of Human Resource Management.
(1977, c. 347, § 2.1-557; 1979, c. 107; 1991, c. 563; 2000, cc. 66, 657;2001, c. 844.)